Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Yap, Yap, Yap, Talk It Up!

B iz like a flower, growing.

In the past few hours I’ve learned a lot of important lessons.
Numeral Uno: Being poor makes you smarter.
Numeral Deuce: Talk for networking and saving everything.
I’ve been sitting in my p.j.s on the corner of my driveway learning.
I’ve figured out that when you are poor you have to be smart in order not to be poor.
It’s easy to get money but its hard work to keep money.
Like everyone else, I too sometimes wish that my parents were rich so I can be an airhead. I’d walk around just doing dumb things just because I can afford to do dumb things. Poor people can’t afford to do dumb things.
Yet, I did some dumb things.
For the past few months I’ve been paying over $190 on health insurance out of my own pocket. I had a real job that provided extra health insurance. Many people told me to drop the plan I had on my own. I refused because I knew my real job wasn’t stable for my future. I figured if I didn’t sign on for next year with the job, at least I can still have my health insurance. It was a half-way great idea.
Today, I have no job but I have health insurance. Yet, sitting on my corner in my p.j.s haven’t brought me a lot of money, so I had to figure out how to keep the health insurance. I just refused to sit in the charity line for health. I have been there. I have waited hours to see the free doctor. Only to be called thinking I’d see the doctor but I had to sit behind lonely walls to wait some more for the doctor to come see me. When you get free health care, I’ve learned that nothing’s free. You pay for that with your time. I’m tried. I don’t want to be common. Yet, without a job I still needed to find the extra 200 bucks to pay for my insurance. I took to using my iPhone. I figured that I could make million dollar deals from that phone. I just needed to be creative or listen.
After about an hour of conversation with my provider, I found an inexpensive plan, that gave me the same services, just written up differently.
I’m now paying half of what I paid. I feel better about the whole health insurance situation. This is what I learned.
I can pay a lesser amount, but just pay a little more when I go to the doctor. And that’s it!! No more, no bills no nothing.
When you’re rich you’re comfortable. I don’t want anyone to fall into the things I’ve did. I made a lot of money.
My friends will tell you, I’d buy any kind of exclusive shoes I wanted, clothes I wanted, go anywhere I wanted, whenever I wanted. It was like, hey Brandi you want to go here?
“Yeah, book me a plane ticket and I’m on the way. Book that five-star hotel too while you’re at it.”
I was on the road. I didn’t care about reading the fine lines. I paid that money for health insurance because I didn’t have time to hear what the providers had to tell me. I figured hey, what’s an extra 100. This is just something small but I’m glad I made it through.
Young, dumb, rich and stupid. In college things came to me and I made something. No matter how much money you have, always remember it’s not what you get, it’s how much you keep. Now, as I sit in my p.j.s on my corner I’ve learned how to hustle again.
I can take nothing and make something.
Its not what you know, it’s who you know.
With a little phone conversation, I became a few dollars richer, just like that. I also got a new writing job. That’s detailed below.

Oh you guys, I have a list of things I’m absolutely loving right now.
1. T.I.’s new CD “Paper Trail”
2. James Morrison’s new CD, “Songs for You, Truths for Me”
3. Robin Thicke’s new CD, “Something Else”
4. The fact that the sequel to the Coldest Winter Ever is coming out in November
5. Progress on my own book, Crumb Snatchers. It's coming along great!
7. Chattting with Karrine Steffans
8. Learning Sales and Advertising
9. Your Facebook Updates
10. Baby pictures and Albus Dumbledore

About that new job, I’m a writer for www.emediabr.com.
Fred let’s me write feature stories. So check them out, I’ll let you know when they post. I just wrote one on The Joan, owner of Mo Hair, a hair salon. She’s talking about owning a business and keeping it. It’s a great piece! Check It Out!

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