Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Hope Gotta Go!

You’re probably going to think I’m wrong, or just flat out heartless.
Especially since the weather is cold.
But it’s a game that I’m sick of.
Every morning, it’s the same thing, for three weeks now.
I can hear her rapid heartbeat. Boom. Boom.
6:45 a.m., she times me perfectly. Waiting at my door, tiny paws outstretched. Claws in attack mode. She smiles. She smells my fear.
It’s a cat and mouse game and I’m the mouse.
It’s also five steps to my bathroom, a safe haven for me to wash my face and head to work. I can make it, she’s not that baaaAAAADDDDD!!!!!!!!
I didn’t even have a head start before her razor blade claws bear down on my ankle through soft skin. Oh Sweet Jesus. Prince of Peace. Ohhhh, that’s warm blood trickle down to my toes. My Dear Father. Bless the Kitten! Oh how I Love Thee. Smile. I just don’t care what my little sister thinks, but too the pound

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Not Another Minute

“Relay Service, CA 1170, what’s the area code and number to dial please?

I can say those scripted lines with my eyes closed gracefully like an Academy Award winning actress.

My practice. I invest time in “Flop Ears”, “Thomas the Engine”, and “Lemony Snicket” with a little boy.

I can construct the world’s best influential speech…And put it into Flavor Flav hands and make him sound great.

……needs strong people skills. Got It! Looking for energetic people. Got It!

Humm…. a rest… Beep. Beep. Ha!

“Relay Service, CA 1170……. “Yes Sir, I’ll have that number for you.”

I can type 76 words per minute/no errors. My sound byte is better.

Beep. Beep. Well, its paying bills.

I can tell you about every stock and bond available to you like a renowned broker on Wall Street. Guess I could stay here.

This gray cube can’t be so bad. Steady check. Oh look they gave me a company water bottle when I completed training. Must be for to keep my voice after all the calls. Keep me fresh. It holds a full 20 ounces. Equipped with bendable straw. Hooray! I can get all the H2O I desire.

Beep. Beep. “CA 1170……”

Company policy. Thou shall not miss more than three days. We don’t care if you’re sick or the weathers bad. Don’t show up and you will be terminated! Thou shall work over 50 hours a week.

No overtime. Breaks are under five minutes and handed out sparsely. Do not use our emergency exits. Walk all the way to the back. Strap in this filthy seat.

I can…

(Manager) Ahh heem! CA 1170, your schedule for Saturday and Sunday is 1p.m. – midnight.

(Manager) Think you could swing it?

(Me) “CA here, one moment Sir”

(Manager) Wait! Wait! Where are you going? Your shift is not over CA 1170! Clock out! See you Saturday!

(Me) No.

(Manager) Sunday!?

(me) No.

This is for all the people working menial, mindless jobs.

Stop. Pass the doubters, haters and potholes. Head one mile up, make the right at the fork and follow your dream.

Our Conversations

What’s up man! Hope you slept well. That’s not eye boogers; the Angels walked on your forehead and forgot to wash their feet.
Anyway Let’s play. Grip the ball. Get a great feel. Extend your arms. Go up strong. Follow through and snap your wrist. The shot should work every time. Look at Lebron. We just have to work on this jump shot. Your arms will catch up.
Say your prayers every morning and every night. Brush your teeth, when you get some. Make them both a routine.
Hold open doors. Keep smiling. Play games.
“Kind of Blue”, and “Ray”, are hands down some of the greatest music ever composed. And little man, we did not sleep in caves or beat each other over the head with clubs. If someone tells you that, they’re wrong…and Columbus was completely lost.
You are a king, said history.
What! Cool another smile. That’s on Channel 9. Yes, we do love the Yankees and Braves baseball.
The noon news you know its time for me to go to class.
Oh, and thank you so much for never complaining about our reading sessions. Thank for letting me read “Goodnight Moon” and I really enjoyed “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”, it reminded me of you.
Devin, need anything, you got my cell. Got a big day tomorrow, my little godson its one of my favorites “Cat In the Hat”. We’ve learned so much… Remember follow through. I better go to class. Work on that jump shot while I put you back in your crib.