Thursday, April 19, 2007

Fast Food

I made a deal with my aunt. I’m not eating out for an entire week. She says I spend too much money going out. Fact is, I have no culinary skills and an insult from my little sister kept me out of the kitchen for a long time. The troll said, “Bran, you burned the chili. Look, we can’t have you cooking food, it costs money and we don’t want to waste that!”
Since then cereal & milk and sandwiches have been my best options.
For excitement I’ll switch from turkey breast, roasted chicken, shrimp and a classic peanut butter & strawberry jelly.
So far, it’s Thursday. The last time I bought something from a fast food place was Monday. I’m doing well. I’ve probably saved about $30. For the past three days I just haven’t had late night romps to Chili’s for their piping hot shrimp alfredo thingy or Paradise Pie, a warm chewy brownie filled with nuts and topped with vanilla ice cream. At 73, my aunt knows a lot of things. She may be right. And I’m learning. I had a bad addiction to Taco Bell’s 99. cents zesty nachos, but it’s a bigger value and lesson I’m getting from not eating out and using the resources around me. I’ll be able to enjoy my check more, instead of putting all towards buying food. If it’s a success, I may just carry this on into next week.

1 comment:

Jarrod said...

I don't know which is more troubling...the lack of culinary skills or the fact that you're detoxing off of fast food. You've got to learn to embrace the food.