Wednesday, August 01, 2007

New Respect

Shaq has always been respected. He towers well over 7 feet and weighs more than 325 pounds. Whether off the basketball court or on the court, a guy of his size just commands respect. Everyone who runs across him, probably just part ways to give him room. He wears custom made clothes. I would hate to share a plane seat with him. I would feel like the entire time my side is lopsided or something.
It has always been easy to respect the physical aspect of a guy. But I really like what Shaq has done lately. He has his own show, Shaq’s Big Challenge. And it focuses on helping pre-teens lose weight.
Personally I think the program is Awesome! America has so many choices of food. Children have access to more food that’s unhealthy for them than in the past. Add in video games and television and it’s a path for self-destruction. We have all heard older people say “it was better back then.” Sure, they are right. They had exercise. Now, there were fattening foods, but they had exercise.
Times have changed. And which is why I think Shaq is great. He has had his own battles with weight on and off the court. Then the NBA provides him with experts to keep him healthy. So, Instead of him saying, “Oh, it was better back then,” or just “get out an exercise.” This guy took his own personal trainer and chef and hand picked the kids who he felt needed the most help then he helped them. He showed them. He worked out with them. He encouraged them. This mega SuperStar took his off-season and spent time with kids who really needed it. The kids looked so much better. They gained confidence.
I used to just think Shaq was just this talented basketball player who joked around a lot. Now, I have an entire new respect for him. I respected him, but it’s different. No. 32 has great personality. He’s not entirely perfect, but he took what he knew and made it work to make others feel better.

As a world class winner should. I guess that’s what this life is for. Now I’m motivated.

by example,


1 comment:

Sherlon Christie said...

Now...I didn't know about Shaq's program...but it seems like a very good thing. He's a sportswriter's dream when it comes to quotes...I guess he's working on his role model skills too.