Friday, August 29, 2008

Everybody’s Watching

Obama’s a big deal. He’s cute and makes headlines. I’m really glad he chose Biden as his VP pick because now he can let Biden talk while he sits back and look presidential.
It’s amazing the way the world is accepting him. When I say the world, I mean The Whole Wide World is cheering for Obama.
When I sat in the airport in Dubai I took notice. The minute other passengers learned I came from America, the first thing they said was “You have to Vote for Obama.”
The first time foreigners told me that I looked a bit shocked.
Usually those words came out of American’s mouths. I figured the presidential pick was just our concern and problem.
Turns out, they said that when Obama comes over here we just love him. “That Bush has to go. He doesn’t respect us when he comes,” they said. I laughed so hard.
They just didn’t know but we sit home in the States and think the same things.
The campaigning for Obama further escalated on the plane. As I sat back trying to adjust my seat, a guy noticed the shoes I was wearing. He said excuse me and I gave him my attention. He asked if I was from American and I said yes. I asked him how did he know. He said the shoes I wore were only offered in America. I respected his observations because I’m a shoe junkie myself.
I thought the conversation was going to carry on into shoes but tapped me on the shoulder and told me to Vote for Obama and left. I said, “Yes sir.”
I went to Africa and the same thing kept happening to me. The two Cypress ladies told me to “Vote for Obama.” Canadian said, “Vote for Obama.” Japan said, “Vote for Obama.” And so did Wales!
Then, when I met Rose (from the Netherlands), her and her mom grew excited and asked my thoughts on Obama. By then, I became accustomed to the way the people reacted when they found out I can choose the next president. I’d experienced the severity of the situation and impact the rock star candidate had made and could make. I learned that the American president not only affected America, but the world. I told them I supported the Chicago democrat. In unison they said, “We love Obama.” I laughed.
They were so happy. I think we celebrated in the car.
After the world kept telling me to Vote for Obama, I felt outnumbered on foreign soil. I agreed to Vote for Obama. Besides with the whole world on your back, if I thought any other way it would be best that I kept it to myself.
…That’s a lot of people.

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